Simpsons Lyrics Challenge
From my Facebook Group Obscure Simpsons CharactersUpdated 3 years ago
Put an explanation here of the purpose:
- I was sick of trying to sing the lyrics in my head, so
- I queued-up each clip for you.
- The order doesn't matter, it is just the order I found them.
- If you want me to do yours, just send me the 2 youTube Clips+Your Meme.
Output: John Lennon- Imagine
Go Here:
Download it as a 360 MP4
Retitle it YkgkThdzX-8.mp4
Go Here:
Download it as a 360 MP4
Retitle it OBxHcNJgUt0.mp4
ffmpeg -y -ss 00:0:54 -to 00:1:15.6 -i YkgkThdzX-8.mp4 -vf scale=480:360,setsar=1:1 ~temp1.mp4 &&
ffmpeg -y -ss 00:0:45.5 -to 00:0:46.6 -i OBxHcNJgUt0.mp4 -vf scale=480:360,setsar=1:1 ~temp2.mp4
Double-check the timing of each clip.
If it is off, just alter the decimal counters.
ffmpeg -filter_complex "concat=n=2:v=1:a=1" -i ~temp1.mp4 -i ~temp2.mp4 -f MP4 -y JohnLennonImagine2.mp4